syntactic type

英 [sɪnˈtæktɪk taɪp] 美 [sɪnˈtæktɪk taɪp]

网络  语法类别; 句法类型



  1. Model validations at this point are primarily syntactic in nature and revolve around validation against a series of XML Document Type Definitions ( DTD).
  2. Recall that by "naked" type parameters, we mean type parameters that lexically occur alone, not as a syntactic subcomponent of a larger type.
  3. On top of the syntactic appeal, the strong type system yields the sort of guarantees which are often crucial in these domains, and enables a superb tooling experience through Visual Studio.
  4. Formal syntactic models for the description of grammar, eg generative grammar, are a type of metalanguage.
  5. Feature structure is the main method to describe syntactic information. Type hierarchy and lexical rules constitute HPSG's lexical system.
  6. There are two types which can not be converted into the syntactic structural type, and its structural relationship is fairly more distinct.
  7. If the average uncertainty of the syntactic structures declines apparently, the feature type is deemed to have grasped some intrinsic linguistic information in the context that has close relation to the syntactic structure.
  8. There is ambiguity phenomenon in natural language and syntactic ambiguity is one type of ambiguity.
  9. Experiment 2: It aims to discover whether second language learners can feel the influences of syntactic knowledge and which type of syntactic knowledge ( explicit syntactic knowledge or implicit syntactic knowledge) influences learners 'reading patterns.
  10. The study in the thesis proves the influence exerted by syntactic knowledge, especially the explicit type, on native speakers and second language learners.
  11. In this paper, the author introduces the basic conception and method of categorial grammar, especially the syntactic type calculus. Some important results in the syntactic type calculus of English verb phrases are illustrated through concrete examples.
  12. Secondly, the performance on syntactic judgement was influenced by the type of sentences, showing asynchronization of development of syntactic awareness in different syntactic rules.
  13. The semantic constitution of syntactic type is the reflection of human cognition on reality. Construction Grammar, springing up in recent years, focuses on the resolution of the core issue in grammatical research& consistency between syntactic type and semantic meaning.
  14. The syntactic structure form of the particular type is of fixed sentence structure form.
  15. Second, it analyzes the syntactic function and distribution of the "Cong" type prepositional phrases.
  16. They are symmetrical in semantic, syntactic position, type of writing, and the choice in the different sentence. They are not symmetrical in the use frequency and syntax combination.
  17. The change of syntactic position and analogy are the mechanisms of the "Cong" type prepositions.
  18. Grammarians not only described the syntactic semantic type of reversible sentence, but also explained the reversible motive of reversible sentence deeply.
  19. This paper think the main reason of ambiguity in the syntactic analysis model is that the function type of Chinese words and phrases must not accurately reflect the syntactic function according to the theory of standard grammar of the phrase.